Join us at Shoptalk Spring, Las Vegas – March 25-27, 2025. Learn more
Join us at Shoptalk Spring, Las Vegas – March 25-27, 2025. Learn more


We increase conversion rates and revenue for some of the world’s largest brands, retailers and travel companies.
They trust us to improve the digital experience for their customers to give them the confidence to buy online.


Above The Fold The top section of a web page that is visible to users without scrolling.

A/B Testing A method of comparing two versions of e.g. a web page, design or message, with the goal to determine which one performs better.

Add-to-Cart (or Add-to-Basket) The action of adding a product to a cart/ basket page.

Application Program Interface Requests (API Requests) A method of communication between software, e.g. a specific application and a programmer. It describes what functionality is available, how it should be used, and what format it will accept and return.

Asynchronous A process which runs independently of other processes, e.g. asynchronous javascript will send a request to server, and continue executing without waiting for a reply.

Attribute Messaging Attribute Messaging, otherwise known as Product Badging, is used to highlight a key feature (i.e. attribute) or selling point of a product.

Authority Messaging Messaging to help shoppers make decisions based on brand influence, e.g labelling an item a ‘top pick’, or a ‘must have’.

Average Order Value The typical total amount a customer spends each time they place an order. AOV is calculated by dividing total revenue by the total number of orders.

Average Revenue Per User The average revenue a company earns from each customer within a specific time frame.


Basket Abandonment Rate A measurement of the ratio of completed purchases against abandoned basket pages.

Badging Badging, more properly Product Badging, is used to highlight a key feature or selling point of a product.

Below the Fold The web page section that is not immediately visible to a user when the page loads. Users will need to scroll to be able to see below the fold.

Bestseller Messaging A form of social proof messaging that uses the wisdom of the crowd to tell shoppers which products are selling best

Blog An online publication written in an informal or conversational style, covering a range of topics from opinion, business announcements and industry related news. In an eCommerce context, blogs are frequently used as a marketing tool.

Bounce Rate The percentage of visitors leaving a site after having only viewed the page they landed on, without visiting another page or completing an action.

Brick & Mortar A business with at least one physical store location.

Business-to-Business (B2B) A business model that describes one business selling directly to another business.

Business-to-Consumer (B2C) A business model where businesses sell products or services directly to individuals for personal use.


Call-to-Action A website prompt that encourages visitors to take a desired action.

Capacity The amount of API requests contained for Taggstar during a particular time period.

Cart Abandonment The action of adding an item to the cart, but exiting without completing the purchase.

Case Study A factual, documented and detailed account of a specific experience with a business or product, used as an example of success of the product or service.

Click-Through Rate (CTR) The metric that measures how often people click on content such as a web page link, advertisement or email.

Consumer Trust Consumer trust refers to the confidence that customers have in a brand’s ability to deliver on its promises.

Conversion A numerical count of a user’s completion of a predetermined goal. Usually, this describes the process of a visitor converting into a customer, by completing a purchase.

Conversion Rate A metric that divides the number of visitors to a web page by the number that complete a particular action or process (usually to complete a purchase).

Conversion Rate Optimization The process of actively trying to increase the percentage of visitors that convert to customers.

Crowd Behaviour The behavior of a group of like-minded individuals.

Crowd Mentality Refers to something that is sourced from, and created by, the actions, behaviors and patterns of the crowd.

Customer Acquisition Customer acquisition is the process of attracting and converting new customers.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) refers to the total cost a company incurs to acquire new customers.

Customer Journey (eCommerce) The full experience a customer has with an online retailer.

Customer Lifetime Value Measures the total revenue a business can expect to earn from a customer throughout their entire relationship


Data Layer A JavaScript object that organises and structures data in a universal manner.

Dashboard A central web based console providing real-time insight into important data. Including key performance indicators, usage, reports on recent experiments and possibilities for optimization.

Digital Commerce Digital commerce refers to the buying and selling online, leveraging digital channels, mobile technologies, and platforms.

Direct to Consumer (D2C) A business model in which companies sell their products directly to consumers without involving any intermediaries.

Dynamic Audience A live audience that changes in real-time.


eCommerce The name given to the buying and selling of products and goods over electronic networks, including the internet, or mobile applications.

eCommerce API An API, or Application Programming Interface, acts as a messenger between different software applications.

eCommerce Sessions This represents a user's uninterrupted interaction with your online store within a specific timeframe.

Exit Rate It refers to the percentage of visitors who leave your site from a specific page.


Full Funnel In marketing, “full-funnel” signifies a comprehensive strategy spanning all the stages of the customer journey.

Fully-Responsive A design that works equally well across all devices, desktop, mobile and tablet by detecting a visitors screen size and changing the layout of the web page and its features accordingly.


Incremental Revenues A form of additional revenue.


JavaScript A programming language which is used to make web pages interactive and dynamic.

JavaScript Tag A small piece of Javascript code that can be executed through a Tag Manager or placed natively onto a web page.


Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Predetermined measures that are used to evaluate the overall performance and success of a business.


Long Tail Products that sell at a slower rate and in small numbers (usually the opposite of best sellers).


Message Request An API request in which a social proof message is shown.

Messaging Balloons Windows that appear around a product image that provide relevant information to the shopper.

Micro-conversion A micro-conversion is one of many small steps a user may take on their way to convert.

Mobile Commerce The purchasing and selling goods and services using a mobile device

Monetisation Providing customers with real-time messages on an eCommerce website to enable customers to make buying decisions and in turn, create more revenue for businesses.

Multi-Channel Retailing The term given to selling products through more than one avenue. For example, selling online, in store through social media and marketplaces.


Non-Blocking The process of describing code that loads without interfering with any other code executed on page load.

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) A written contract in which one or two parties agree not to share sensitive or confidential information that has been revealed to them, as a necessary part of doing business together.

Nudge Marketing The process of encouraging without pressuring.


Online Choice Architecture Online choice architecture refers to the way choices are presented significantly influences the final decision

Optimization The process of making a product or process its most effective.


Platform Agnostic A product that runs equally well across any computer operating system, commonly referred to as cross-platform.

Popularity Messaging Messaging that presents how in demand a particular product is.

Principles of Persuasion (Robert Cialdini) These principles include: reciprocity, commitment and consistency, social proof, authority, liking and scarcity.

Product Attribute Product attributes are the identifying characteristics that define a product and provide shoppers with information they can use to find, compare, and make an informed decision. Product attributes might include the physical aspects of a product, such as its size, color, and material as well as how it is used, benefits and environmental credentials.

Product Badging Product Badging is used to highlight a key feature or selling point of a product.

Product Details Page (PDP) A web page showing details about a single product selected from a product list page.

Product Differentiation The process of distinguishing a product or service from similar competitors available in the market.

Product Discovery Product discovery is the process of enabling your shoppers to find the items they’re looking for and helping them discover new items they may want.

Product List Page (PLP) A web page which displays similar products, grouped together based on filters.

Product Stickering Product Stickering, otherwise known as Product Badging, is used to highlight a key feature or selling point of a product.


Quality Assurance (QA) A process applied to a set stage or stages, in order to guarantee a high standard, eradicate possible errors and ensure optimum performance.


Real Time A dynamic process changing virtually immediately in actual time.

Return on Investment (ROI) Almost always expressed as a percentage. Referring to the percentage return of spend, versus the income gain back from the investment.

Revenue Per Visitor Revenue Per Visitor (RPV) is the amount of revenue generated by each website visitor.

Review Messages Messaging that contains critical feedback and assessment from previous customers in regards to a specific product. Review messaging can contain information about quality, fit and value for money.

Robert Cialdini The author of ‘Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion’ which features the six universal principles of persuasion.


Sales Conversion Referring to when a potential customer completes a purchase.

Session A group of interactions one user takes within a given time frame on your website.

Sales Funnel A visual representation of the customer journey, ideally ending in a sales conversion.

Scarcity Messaging Messaging that presents information on low stock levels, this type of messaging encourages a customer to buy now due to fear of missing out.

Social Proof A psychological and social phenomenon whereby a person, or people, who are unsure on the correct behaviour will look to imitate others and outsource their decisions.

Social Proof Messages Crowd-powered messages that inform customers about the buying behaviour and decisions of other shoppers. These messages are categorised into popularity, scarcity, authority, reviews, trending and urgency.

Social Proof Metrics The typical total amount a customer spends each time they place an order. AOV is calculated by dividing total revenue by the total number of orders.

Synchronous A process which is dependent on others, e.g. script that stops and waits for the server to send back a reply before continuing.


Tag Manager A system used to manage Javascript and HTML tags for analytics and tracking on a website.

Taggstar Coverage The number of times we show a message versus the number of page loads. This could be product list page, product display page or basket page loads - this is shown as a percentage.

Traffic The number of visitors that a particular page or site receives.

Trending Messaging Messaging that highlights a spike in a products popularity.


Urgency Messaging Messaging designed to nudge shoppers to swift action, usually by presenting time limited offers.

Usage A count of how many API requests a customer has used against their capacity.

User Experience (UX) The overall experience of a person using a particular website, product or service. It encompasses how they feel and interact with the website, product or service in question.

User Interface (UI) The design and presentation of the user experience, how it looks and feels.

Uniform Resource Locator (URL) A web address.


Visual Merchandising Visual merchandising is the retail practice of designing the layout and display of products.


Website A virtual location with a unique web address which can be accessed with an internet connection.

Web Page A digital page found within a website; this can contain graphics, text, videos and hyperlinks.

Website Optimization The process of using marketing techniques to enhance your website’s performance.

Window The length of time used to collect social proof data and metrics.

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