Key KPIs delivered by Taggstar

  • 2%

    conversion rate uplift on Lacoste

  • 3.49%

    conversion rate uplift on Speedo

The Challenge

Like many retailers, True Alliance has been on a digital transformation to improve the customer journey and build its digital share. A complete overhaul of its marketing platforms delivered a new and improved online experience for the customer. The next step for the retailer was to identify user journey gaps where it could help support conversion further both during peak periods and off-peak too. It wanted to be able to implement something that would help convince customers to buy during the consideration stage and believed Taggstar’s social proof messaging was the perfect next layer to integrate into its overall customer journey.

GAP clothing product with social proof message

The Solution

True Alliance introduced eleven of Taggstar’s social proof messaging types across both Lacoste and Speedo websites, opting to test some of the messages across the full funnel on the PLP, PDP and baskets pages, whilst trialling some on the PDP only. Messages included ‘Sold X times since your last visit’, ‘Trending! Sold X times in the last few days’, ‘In Demand! X others are looking at this right now’ and ‘Last sold X seconds ago’.

The company’s proof of concept ran across both promotional and non-promotional periods, allowing True Alliance to understand how effective social proof messaging was at supporting its customers whenever they were shopping.

“For True Alliance Taggstar offered the perfect platform for targeting those people that are ready to purchase but need that extra nudge to convert. By using social proof messaging at key moments of intention we are able to stop the customer from procrastinating and going elsewhere and instead encourage them to convert.” 

Ken Kennedy, Group Head of Digital ANZ

Speedo product with a women modelling an item names "Womens Allover Deep U-Back" underneath it lists 38 reviews, and a message stating "19 views since your last visit"

The Results

Lacoste saw a 2% conversion rate uplift from the proof-of-concept trial.

For Speedo, Taggstar’s social proof messaging resulted in a 3.49% conversion rate uplift.

Following the success of social proof messaging for Speedo and Lacoste True Alliance is now rolling out the technology to other brands in the portfolio, including Gap, Banana Republic and Coach New Zealand.


Ken Kennedy, Group Head of Digital ANZ at True Alliance, said: “For True Alliance Taggstar offered the perfect platform for targeting those people that are ready to purchase but need that extra nudge to convert. By using social proof messaging at key moments of intention we are able to stop the customer from procrastinating and going elsewhere and instead encourage them to convert. It works extremely well during our sales periods when we see a considerable conversion rate uplift, but it also works well in low volume periods, allowing us to achieve higher margins and sales whatever period we are in.” 

Peter Buckley, CRO at Taggstar, said: “True Alliance’s two-pronged strategy shows how powerful social proof messaging can be both during promotional periods as well as during normal trading. The company has appreciated just how effective social proof messaging is for those looking to take the buying experience to the next level for customers and we are pleased to see that they are now rolling the technology out to other brands in their portfolio too.”

Interested in unlocking the potential of Social Proof? Take the first step toward higher conversion rates!

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