Our customers

Our beauty retailers use social proof to help shoppers discover new products and improve their confidence in buying online.

Beauty bay
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M&S logo
Very Group logo

Re-create the beauty counter experience online

Give your customers the confidence to buy and try new products.


Predicted online sales by 2023

Historically 85% of beauty purchases were made in-store.


Discovery phase – time spent

Beauty shoppers’ time spent in the discovery phase of the buying journey vs. 69% for fashion and 65% for technology shoppers.


Customer reviews

Shoppers – especially younger people consider customer reviews very important when making beauty purchases.

Provide a gorgeous digital experience

Use social proof to offer the guidance shoppers normally get in-store.

Authority messaging

#1 Bestseller in Moisturiser this week

Sustainability messaging

Vegan and Cruelty Free 98 sold in the last 48 hrs

“80% of time spent in discovery phase"

The foundation of beauty buying is changing.

Inspire customers to try new looks

Improve discoverability by showing what others are buying and saying.

Popularity messaging

All eyes on this! 56 people are looking at this right now

Review messaging

You Glow Girl: 98% of people recommend this for Hydration

“99% read ratings and reviews when buying beauty products online"

Especially younger people who consider customer reviews very important when making beauty purchases.

Give customers the confidence to shine

Aggregate reviews into real-time social proof messaging to help give the in-store beauty advice experience.

Personalisation messaging

Purchased 42 times since your last visit 2 hrs ago

Review messaging

Top marks 99% of people rate this 5 stars for blendability

"For our customers being on trend is key. They want trending beauty products fast and our social proof messaging partnership with Taggstar ensures they can see the hottest new products that their peers are buying, surfacing reviews, bestsellers and trending items amongst other messaging. This has driven a strong uplift in conversion rates and sales for our brand and we are confident of further great results as we continue to experiment and optimise the technology for our customers."

Sally Minto

Digital Director, Revolution Beauty

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