Our customers

From fashion to consumer electronics, DIY to beauty and more, we help household name retailers inspire and engage shops to buy online, increasing their conversion rate and revenue.

Argos logo
Debenhams logo black
Go Pro black logo
Hallmark logo
Revolve logo
Very Group logo

Replicate the in-store buzz online

Use social proof to emulate the personal interaction of the physical store


UK retail sales are online

The UK is the most advanced eCommerce market in Europe.


Choice overload

Customers failed to complete the buying journey because they were overwhelmed by choice.


Basket abandonment

Too much choice creates check out anxiety. Customers abandon their basket and purchases.

Inspire and educate your customers to buy online

Improve customer confidence to buy online, by guiding them to products others love.

Authority messaging

#1 Bestseller in Cameras this week.

Attribute messaging

Anti-shake technology. 18 sold in the last 24 hrs.

“46% of people get choice overload”

Help your customers find the products they’ll love.

Narrow product choice and reduce indecision

Couple popular product shortlists with post-purchase reviews to ensure customers buy right the first time.

Popularity messaging

Popular Last purchased 14 mins ago.

Review messaging

96% of customers rate this 5 stars for Picture Quality.

“80% of shoppers abandon their basket due to check out anxiety"

Help to reduce basket abandonment for your customers with social proof.

Complete the sale

Highlight stock availability, time-limited promotions or how many have been purchased since last visit.

Check out messaging

40 people bought next day delivery in the last 24hrs.

Personalisation messaging

52 bought since your last visit 4 hrs ago.


"Our customers are looking for more guidance and product information when choosing from our online wine and Specialbuys ranges. Taggstar acts like an online virtual assistant, helping to make purchasing decisions easier for our millions of customers, and supports the growth of our online sales."

James Kinnear

eCommerce Retail Director, Aldi

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