Join us at Shoptalk Spring, Las Vegas – March 25-27, 2025. Learn more
Join us at Shoptalk Spring, Las Vegas – March 25-27, 2025. Learn more

Harnessing the wisdom of the crowd

Social Proof Recommendations brings the wisdom of the crowd to product recommendations.

Recommendations are built in real-time using the collective wisdom of customers (social proof data) to create “of the moment” product discoveries that react to market trends fast enough to make an impact on sales.

Inspiring your customers

By adding Social Proof Messaging to your recommendations, you increase transparency for your customers to see what others are buying and browsing and understand why products are being recommended.

More compelling recommendations are created with the widest range of messages in the market, increasing inspiration for customers to convert.

Transparent control for retailers

Deliver tailored recommendation strategies based on where your customer is in their buying journey to maximize product discovery and conversion.

Meet your objectives with multiple algorithms and merchandising controls, whether you want to highlight popular items, include or exclude products or categories or adjust ranking weights.

Continuous Optimization

Our dashboard allows you to manage your products. You can configure experiments, set up tests, monitor, and run analytics to track the performance of optimizations.

Whilst our Customer Success team brings a decade of experience to achieve the best results for your business continuously by delivering tailored optimization roadmaps.

Want to know how much revenue we will
deliver for you?

Calculate the impact social proof will have on
your conversion rate and revenue.