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Join us at Shoptalk Spring, Las Vegas – March 25-27, 2025. Learn more

Our customers

Our beauty retailers use social proof to help shoppers discover new products and improve their confidence in buying online.

Beauty Bay logo
Debenhams logo in black
M&S logo

Re-create the beauty counter experience online

Give your customers the confidence to buy and try new products.


Percentage of beauty sales online worldwide

Online sales of health and beauty is steadily growing. While in-store beauty is still dominant, online is outpacing in-store sales growth.


Time spent in product discovery

Beauty shopping is high-touch with a lot of time spent in discovery and the role of social media increasing, especially among younger shoppers.


Consider reviews when shopping online

Most beauty shoppers consider customer reviews very important when making online beauty purchases.

vegan and cruelty free

Provide a gorgeous digital experience

Use social proof to provide the expert guidance that shoppers normally get in-store and tailor the tone and look to your brand.

Authority messaging

#1 Bestseller in Moisturizer in the last 24 hrs

Attribute Messaging

Vegan and Cruelty Free. 98 sold in the last 48 hrs

“80% of time spent in discovery phase"

The foundation of shopping for health and beauty products is changing and consumer preferences are evolving.

all eyes on this
super hydration

Inspire customers to try new looks

Use social proof messaging to improve discoverability by showcasing what other shoppers are buying and highlighting important attributes.

Popularity messaging

All eyes on this! 56 people are looking at this right now

Attribute messaging + reviews

Super Hydration. 98% of people recommend this for Hydration

"98% say reviews are essential when making a purchase decision."

Reviews and social influence are critical when shopping online for beauty products - especially among younger shoppers.

purchased 42 times
top marks

Give customers the confidence to shine

Use personalization messaging and aggregate reviews with real-time social proof messaging to help shoppers get an in-store, personalized beauty advice experience.

Personalization messaging

Purchased 42 times since your last visit 2 hrs ago

Review messaging

Top marks. 99% of people rate this 5 stars for sensitive skin

“At M&S, we don’t stand still, and we ensure our technology doesn’t either. The support from Taggstar’s CSM (customer service management) team means that our social proof messaging is continually optimised to ensure we always get the best results.”

Sreena Jamieson

Head of Onsite Trading Optimisation, M&S

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deliver for you?

Calculate the impact social proof will have on
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