Key KPIs delivered by Taggstar

  • 1.14%

    conversion rate uplift

The Challenge

Very’s long-term use of Taggstar’s social proof messaging means that its customers are used to seeing such messages but react well to seeing something new. “The fact we have worked together for so long is a testament to our success,” says Kathryn Jones, Lead Product Manager at Very. But it means that keeping messages fresh and interesting is important to maintain customer engagement and to continue to see conversion rate uplifts. Very works closely with the Taggstar Customer Success Team on a continual process of optimization and experimentation to manage this.

“Taggstar’s approach of constant experimentation and innovation fits perfectly with our ethos of evolving the customer experience. Our customers’ lives and behaviors are changing, so we need to change with them to remain relevant. We need to keep the experience engaging and fresh for customers.”

The Solution

In its latest experiment, Very integrated animations into its social proof messaging after witnessing the success of animations for another retail customer of Taggstar. Animated messages were rolled out across the site, such as a flickering flame to accompany the ‘Trending Now’ message. The animated icons have helped to grab the customer’s attention while on-site.

“Social proof messaging is a must for all ecommerce businesses. We have seen success with every experimentation and iteration of social proof messaging we have used.”

Kathryn Jones, Lead Product Manager

The Results

Very’s Jones says that the company was pleasantly surprised by the results achieved from the social proof messaging optimisation experiment. “Essentially, it was just changing an icon we already had to be animated, so although we were confident that we would see an uplift, we were expecting it to be small. We thought it would just be a little nudge to keep the customers engaged, but once again, it was a really successful experiment, delivering a conversion rate uplift of 1.14% in a short period of time.”

Jones concludes, “Social proof messaging is a must for all ecommerce businesses. We have seen success with every experimentation and iteration of social proof messaging we have used.”

Peter Buckley, CRO at Taggstar, said: “Our long-established relationship with Very is proof of their confidence in social proof messaging as a successful strategy to continually drive conversion. As Very has seen, seemingly simple changes to a social proof messaging strategy can still deliver impressive results in terms of both conversion rate uplift and customer engagement.”

Interested in unlocking the potential of Social Proof? Take the first step toward higher conversion rates!

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