Key KPIs delivered by Taggstar

  • 4.57%

    conversion rate uplift

  • 8 Days

    to implement and go live

  • 1st

    user of Taggstar’s personalized messaging ‘since you last visited’

The Challenge

Oasis wanted to trial Taggstar social proof messaging during its 2019 summer sale to boost online conversions. With the sale about to start in a few days, there was a real urgency to the project.

The Solution

Taggstar’s pre-sales team had already confirmed that Oasis had everything in place to make onboarding straightforward. This included a Google Tag Manager dataLayer and Google Optimize for third-party A/B website testing.

Once the project requirements were agreed, Taggstar started work and completed the integration code and test phase of the project in four days. Design mock-ups and on-brand message copy were quickly approved.

The Solution

Alongside Taggstar’s library of message types, including purchases, add-to-cart, and audience volumes, Oasis was the first retailer in the world to use the new ‘since you last visited’ personalized social proof message. This tells customers what’s happened since the last time they were on a product page: ‘Popular! Purchased 13 times since your last visit 2 days ago.’

A further four days completed testing the social proof message user experience and data validation.

“Getting Taggstar onto our site was refreshingly easy. I’m delighted with how smoothly onboarding went. Our first test was underway in days, helping us to make the most of our summer sale event.”

Lizzie Tovell, Digital Project Manager

The Results

The whole onboarding process went without a hitch, and Taggstar was live on in July 2019 just eight working days after the first call. Since adding Taggstar social proof messaging, Oasis has seen conversion rates increase by 4.57%.

Interested in unlocking the potential of Social Proof? Take the first step toward higher conversion rates!

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