Key KPIs delivered by Taggstar

  • 1.34%

    conversion rate uplift

  • 4.4%

    conversion rate uplift peak at Christmas 2017

  • 11

    international sites

The Challenge

As Missguided moves into new markets, it wanted to use techniques that show its global presence as an international fast fashion power brand. This is important as the company launches in new markets where domestic product sales are just warming up as it helps quickly grow its profile, and customers’ confidence in its products.

Like all fast fashion sites, the amount of choice online today and customer indecision is a big problem. Shoppers can be overwhelmed by the catalogue of products on site and across the internet. The customer might click on and off items and eventually get tired and drop out of the buying journey. Missguided’s eCommerce team is always improving the online journey, with improvements to signpost the most popular items, and reduce decision making and purchase time.

With 60% of traffic from mobile and 10% of revenues from its app, the Missguided’s digital experience is about helping buyers easily find the must-have trends. Its eCommerce team is free from the ties of legacy systems or software tie-ins and lazer-focused on using apps that grow conversions.

The company is also tackling the challenge of high return rates from shoppers who buy the wrong size, or multiple sizes to compare fit. To bring down the costs of return and replacement , Missguided is improving on-page product information.

The Solution

In a fierce market and against these challenges, Missguided began testing the impact of social proof messaging on sales. It began speaking to Taggstar in 2016.

Through a simple API integration, Taggstar’s social proof software was in place in 10 days, charged with optimizing conversions and reducing fit-related returns.

With the mandate that the software must be in place by Black Friday, software integration was whip-fast. Using Google Tag Manager, Taggstar social proof was live across all products on the UK, USA, and Australian sites, by 11 November 2016.

The Solution

The social proof software was initially used to show simple, persuasive product images to replay what in-country shoppers had bought or were interested in like ’15 others have bought this in the last 24 hours.’ This creates a sense of FOMO and gives browsers the confidence to buy.

By 2017, Missguided was an advanced social proof user, telling the story of global fashion trends across three continents and 10 countries.

Using aggregated, crowd-sourced data about who’s looking, who’s buying and what’s trending across the world, Missguided is now able to tell shoppers an international story using richer social proof about its products.

“It was the easiest and smoothest software we’ve ever integrated.”

John Allen, CTO

The Results

From day one Taggstar was a success for Missguided.

The brand measured an ultimate conversion rate uplift of up to 4.4% at peak times during the pre-Christmas period attached to shoppers who’d seen the social proof messages compared with shoppers who hadn’t.

Taggstar has also been effective in helping Missguided tackle fit-related returns. Insights found that women blame themselves if a product doesn’t fit, so by supplying more information including quality reviews, fit reviews, ratings and purchase history, shoppers can now choose sizes with more confidence.

Interested in unlocking the potential of Social Proof? Take the first step toward higher conversion rates!

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