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Key KPIs delivered by Taggstar

  • 14.6%

    conversion rate uplift on mobile

  • 2.3%

    increase in AOV

  • 8.7%

    decreased bounce rates

The Challenge

Ensuring the best results for social proof messaging requires a regular refreshing of layout and messaging to optimize results. As a long-standing customer, N Brown already works closely with Taggstar to understand the latest innovations to maintain the effectiveness of its messaging.

Having seen some friction in the mobile experience for customers, Fashion World wanted to further improve the clarity and visibility of its social proof messaging, particularly on this channel. It also wanted to emphasise urgency for visitors and so better prompt them to purchase.

The Solution

Fashion World tested a different message position and design on the product detail page (PDP), observing conversion rates and associated metrics such as add to cart and progression to cart rates for a period of 27 days. It also added two new message categories, including personalization (purchased, viewed, add to cart since last visit) and added to cart.

Mike Kindon, says the results were immediate. “The experience refresh along with the additional messages helped increase the amount of social proof data available to customers, boosting purchase confidence and allowing them to make better buying decisions.”

“The experience refresh along with the additional messages helped increase the amount of social proof data available to customers, boosting purchase confidence and allowing them to make better buying decisions.”

Mike Kindon, Head of Web Operations

The Results

The redesign and new messaging led to an overall increase of 11.5%+ in conversion rates. But this metric was even higher for mobile-only, where conversion rates increased by 14.6%. This was preceded by a 13.1% increase in mobile add to cart rate and an 11.5% increase in progression to cart rate. Average order values increased by 2.3% for new visitors.

Results were even higher for users landing directly on the mobile product page where Fashion World witnessed a 23.9% increase in conversion rates and an 8.7% decrease in bounce rates.

In all 11 different messages were used, the personalization messages had the greatest single impact on the conversion rate with a 16.1% uplift.

The Results

Mike Kindon, says: “The testing proved that well-designed and positioned real-time social proof messaging is particularly effective at encouraging mobile visitors, especially landing visitors, to engage with our products and proceed through the funnel to purchase. This is where Taggstar’s expertise and best practice shines through as social proof is nuanced and getting it right is hard. We were delighted with the improvements we saw to metrics such as conversion rates and bounce rates.”

Interested in unlocking the potential of Social Proof? Take the first step toward higher conversion rates!

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